Constitution and By-Laws

Important Update: December 2021

At the AGM on 15 November 2021, the members of Financial Advice NZ voted to rescind the previous Constitution and Bylaws and to replace it with a new Constitution and Rules. The new Constitution was registered by the Incorporated Societies registrar on 12 January 2022.

The pre 2022 Constitution and Bylaws are below

Our Constitution is the founding document of the Association which provides the reference for everything that we do and includes objectives and governance structure.

The By-Laws define membership obligations and the procedural framework for running the association.

(To access any of these documents, click on the blue heading text)


Constitution (pre 2022)
The Constitution is the founding governance document that controls the activities of the Association.

Membership By-Laws (incorporating Professional Development) (pre 2022)
The process and criteria for joining the association and ongoing membership requirements including professional development.

Certification By-Laws (pre 2022)
The Certification Bylaws detail the requirements to attain and retain the certification marks CFP and CLU. These Bylaws only apply to those members seeking these marks.

Disciplinary By-Laws (pre 2022)
The disciplinary process to be undertaken by the Professional Conduct Committee, the Board and Management in the case of a complaint against a member.

Code of Ethics (pre 2022)
Provides guidance on the standards of professional conduct members and consumers expect. The Principles are inspirational and are intended to provide guidance for appropriate and acceptable professional behaviour.

Practice Standards (pre 2022)
Set the benchmark for the financial advisory profession in New Zealand. All practitioner members subscribe to the methodology embodied in these Practice Standards to the extent that they apply in any particular engagement.

Rules of Conduct (pre 2022)
Draw upon the Code of Ethics Principles and the Practice Standards. They are binding on members and may be used as the basis for disciplinary action. The Rules are not designed to be a basis for legal liability to any third party.

The Code of Procedure (pre 2022)
Details the procedure for running the Association’s meetings.